понедељак, 6. јун 2011.

MOVIES - PIRATES 1941-1942

• Due tigri, Le [aka Two Tigers, The] (1941)
Horror Island (1941)
• Pirati della Malesia, I [aka Pirates of Malaya, The] (1941)
• Tainstvennyy ostrov [aka Mysterious Island] (1941)
• Black Swan, The (1942)
• Reap the Wild Wind (1942)

Due tigri, Le [aka Two Tigers, The] (1941)

Director: Giorgio Simonelli
Writers: Andrea Di Robilant (dialogue and screenplay), Marcello Pagliero (dialogue and screenplay) and Emilio Salgari (novel)
Cast: Massimo Girotti [Tremal-Naik], Luigi Pavese [Sandokan], Sandro Ruffini [Yanez de Gomera], Alanova [Surama], Cesare Fantoni [Sujodana], Enzo Gerio [Aghur], Giovanni Onorato [Sambigliong], Arturo Bragaglia [Il taverniere], Amedeo Trilli [Sirdar], Bruno Smith [Il caporale della ronda], Agnese Dubbini [La moglie di Sambigliong], Delia Lancelotti [La piccola Darma, as Delia Cancelotti], Virgilio Tomassini [Il manti], Totò Majorana [Un sergente Inglese], Mario Liberati, Giovanni Ducato
Storyline: Darma, Tremal Naik's daughter is kidnapped by the thugs and secluded in a temple in the jungle. The religious sect want her to become the priestess of the goddess Kali. Sandokan will set her free, and Surama the legitimate heiress to the throne of Lahore. The story, set in India in 1857, tells of the adventures of Sandokan and his companions intent on saving Darma, the young daughter of Tremal-Naik had with Ada kidnapped by Thugs led by Suyodhana. Its purpose is to sacrifice her evil goddess Kali. Thanks to the revelations of Surama, youngest daughter of former rajah of Assam, taken prisoner by the Thugs to play the role of a dancer, Sandokan and his companions manage to kidnap the robes, a priest of the goddess Kali, where they discover that the stranglers sect still located on the island of Rajmangal, already their lair in the novel the Mysteries of the Black Jungle. The group then organized an expedition into the jungle toward Raimangal with the help of two elephants. The journey is fraught with unexpected (like a violent storm and the attack before a rhinoceros and then two tigers) and the Thugs try repeatedly to sabotage the shipment, managing to kill two elephants. Despite the setbacks, Sandokan and his companions come to Raimangal, where, by tampering with the water supply, flood the basement of the sect, destroying it forever. But the ruthless Suyodhana, chief of the Thugs, flees with small Darma in Delhi, busy city by Hindus and insurgents besieged by the British, where he hopes to find shelter among the rebels. The shipment went hurriedly to Delhi, where the last Thugs remained loyal to the sect trying in every way to hinder the protagonists; but nothing will prevent Sandokan to sink his dagger into the belly of Suyodhana and save Darma. Destroying the cult of Kali, Sandokan has made a historic the service to England.  
[85 min - Adventure - Italian - Black and White - Italy - Sol Film]

Horror Island (1941)

Director: George Waggner
Writers: Maurice Tombragel (screenplay), Victor McLeod (screenplay) and Alex Gottlieb (story "Terror of the South Seas")
Cast: Dick Foran [Bill Martin], Leo Carrillo [Tobias Clump], Peggy Moran [Wendy Creighton], Fuzzy Knight [Stuff Oliver], John Eldredge [Cousin George], Lewis Howard [Thurman Coldwater], Hobart Cavanaug [Professor Jasper Quinley], Walter Catlett [Sergeant McGoon], Ralf Harolde [Rod Grady], Iris Adrian [Arleen Grady], Foy Van Dolsen [The Phantom], Emmett Vogan [The Stranger], Robert Barron [Wreck Spectator (uncredited)], Ted Billings [Wreck Spectator (uncredited)], Eddy Chandler [Police Officer (uncredited)], Walter Tetley [Delivery Boy (uncredited)]
Storyline: A down-on-his luck businessman organizes an excursion to Sir Henry Morgan's Island for a treasure hunt only to encounter a mysterious phantom and murder. Down-on-his luck entrepreneur Bill Martin and sidekick Stuff Oliver try to stay one step in front of creditors in their seedy waterfront office when they meet "The Captain," an idiosyncratic peg-legged old sailor. The Captain is convinced that the treasure of pirate Sir Henry Morgan is hidden somewhere in a castle on an offshore island recently inherited by Martin. His proof is a treasure map, half of which has been stolen by a mysterious Phantom who lurks in the shadows waiting for an opportunity to steal the other half. Sensing a moneymaking opportunity, Bill tries to recruit customers willing to pay $50 apiece for a "treasure hunt" outing to the "haunted" island. Among those signing up are heiress Wendy Creighton and her bored, ineffectual boy friend, a dimwitted police sergeant, a professor whose expertise is old maps, a wanted murderer and his moll, and Bill's cousin George, who has recently offered $20,000 to buy the supposedly worthless island. They all get more than the few...
[60 min - Horror l Mystery l Thriller - Black and White - 1.37 : 1 - USA - Universal Pictures]

Pirati della Malesia, I [aka Pirates of Malaya, The] (1941) 

Director: Enrico Guazzoni
Writers: Andrea Di Robilant (screenplay, uncredited), Mino Doletti (dialogue and screenplay), Gianni Franciolini (dialogue and screenplay) and Emilio Salgari (novel "I pirati di Malesia")
Cast: Massimo Girotti [Tremal-Naik], Clara Calamai [Ada], Camillo Pilotto [Kammamuri], Luigi Pavese [Sandokan], Sandro Ruffini [Yanez de Gomera], Nino Pavese [Lord James Brooke], Greta Gonda [La baronessa Van Zeeland], Arturo Bragaglia [Il taverniere], Anita Farra [La taverniera], Cesare Fantoni [Sujodana], Enzo Gerio [Aghur], Zara Lammarì [La danzatrice indiana], Carlo Ludovici [Hassim], Bruno Calabretta, Augusta Checcotti, Renato Navarrini, Oreste Onorato [Sambigliong], Aldo Pini [Namur], Valeria Roberti [Melahia], Lorenzo Scategni, Otello Toso [Il tenente Schmidt]
Storyline: Suyodhana massacred the father of Ada and Tremal-Naik was taken prisoner by the British and taken to Sarawak. The commander of the Young India, a ship en route to Sarawak, discusses with the Indian Kammamuri, who wants to go to Sarawak to free Tremal-Naik. The "Young India", though, is shipwrecked during a hurricane, right on the cliffs of Mompracem, the formidable island of Sandokan, "the Tiger of Malaysia", the invincible leader of the Malaysian piracy. Kammamuri is taken prisoner by Yanez de Gomera, a close friend of Sandokan, and is questioned. When Sandokan and Yanez learn the noble intentions of their brave prisoner, they decide to lead an expedition to Sarawak to save Tremal-Naik. Start immediately with the Pearl of Labuan, the most beautiful prau that plowed the seas of Malaysia, and eighty tigers. During the journey takes a fight with a British ship and a brief encounter with a gunboat. Once in Sarawak, the tiger hoist the British flag to fool enemies and moor their sailing ship in the harbor. At about eight in the evening Sandokan sees arrive a fleet of British warships moored around his ship. Sandokan and Yanez begin to worry when they see in the middle of the gunboat fleet encountered previously. They send the men on the ground to monitor the forests, but soon heard the detonation of a rifle. Shortly after returning they see men, one of whom was injured. Just then, from one of the British ships it is shouted the summons to surrender. Sandokan to answer will raise its flag, the flag of red Mompracem with a tiger's head, and the cubs of Mompracem who are preparing to fight. The tigers in battle defend themselves with unspeakable fury, determined to die rather than surrender. The pirate ship is nevertheless close by the English ships, has no freedom of movement and more faces seven enemy ships. After two hours began to take on water, but it has caused enormous damage to the opponents: already three enemy ships resting on the seabed, bursting with cannon deftly maneuvered by tigers and by the two leaders. The situation worsens and the pirate ship Yanez points it out to Sandokan. He, as it does not want to see the death of his men, gives the command to his tigers to dive, get to the coast without being detected and saved. Meanwhile he, while Yanez continues to discharge the gun, fired a shot from the gun powder. Just enough time to dive and reach the coast Yanez, his ship explodes and with her two English ships. Sandokan and his tiger cubs take refuge in the forest, while Yanez went to the palace of Rajah James Brooke, the "Exterminator of Malaysian pirates", posing as a Scottish lord. Yanez, in a short time, become a friend of the Rajah win their trust. Often he goes to Sandokan, pretending to go hunting in the forest. He manages to get permission from the rajah to go to visit the prison and once in front of Tremal-Naik leaves him a powerful narcotic that simulates death. Tremal-Naik is believed to be dead and buried. Sandokan went to dig it up: dawn resume the senses and will be free. Yanez meanwhile goes to the party that the Rajah arranged for him. Here he meets Lord James Gullionk, an ancient and Sandokan and his enemy, unmasked, was taken prisoner. Kammamuri, wanting to free his master, he embarks on Young India, however, following a violent storm, shipwrecked on the shores of Mompracem. Here the good maharatto escaped the hurricane and the boarding of Tigrotti meets the two famous leaders of the Malaysian piracy: Sandokan and Yanez, who impressed by his valor and courage they decide to free Tremal-Naik. Kammamuri tells the story of the two and its Tremal-Naik, concluding by telling the folly of Ada Corisant following the killing of his father. Sandokan discovers that Ada is the cousin of Marianna and embarks for Sarawak, we decided to release Tremal-Naik. During the adventures heal Ada, faithfully reconstructing the Suyodhana cave where poor young man had gone mad, and will free Tremal-Naik, making him believe dead, also with the help of Lord James Guillonk, acquired Sandokan's uncle, also leading a revolt forced and overthrowing the power of raja James Brooke and placing on the throne the pretender Hassin.
[90 min - Adventure | Action | Drama - Italian - Black and White - Italy - Sol Film]

Tainstvennyy ostrov [aka Mysterious Island] (1941)

Director: Eduard Pentslin (as E. Pentslin)
Writers: M. Kalinin, Boris Shelontsev (as B. Shelontsev) and Jules Verne (novel)
Cast: Aleksey Krasnopolsky [Smith, as A. Krasnopolsky], Pavel Kiyansky [Spilett, as P. Kiyansky], A. Andriyenko-Zemskov [Pencroft], Ivan Kozlov [Ayrton, as I. Kozlov], R. Ross [Neb], Yuri Grammatikati [Herbert], Andrei Sova [Jupe, as A. Sova], Nikolai Komissarov [Captain Nemo, as N. Komissarov], Nikolay Volkov [Adyutant]
Storyline: During the siege of Richmond, Virginia, in the American Civil War, five northern prisoners of war decide to escape in a rather unusual way – by hijacking a balloon. The group eventually crash-lands on a cliff-bound, volcanic, unknown (and fictitious) island, located in the South Pacific. They name it "Lincoln Island" in honour of American President Abraham Lincoln. With the knowledge of the brilliant engineer, the five are able to sustain themselves on the island, producing fire, pottery, bricks, nitroglycerine, iron, a simple electric telegraph, and even a seaworthy ship. They also manage to find their geographical location. The mystery of the island seems to come from periodic and inexplicable deus ex machinas: the unexplainable survival of Smith from his fall from the balloon, the mysterious rescue of his dog Top from a wild manatee, a box full of equipment (guns and ammunition, tools, etc...), the finding of a message in the sea calling for help, and so on. A crew of pirates arrives at the Lincoln Island to use it as their hideout. After some fighting with the heroes, the pirate ship is mysteriously destroyed by an explosion, and the pirates themselves are found dead, apparently in combat, but with no visible wounds. The secret of the island is revealed when it turns out to be Captain Nemo's hideout, and home harbour of the Nautilus. Captain Nemo had been the savior of the heroes, providing them with equipment, sending a message about a fellow castaway, torpedoing the pirate ship and killing the pirates with an electric gun.
[75 min - Adventure l Sci-Fi l Family - Russian - Black and White - Soviet Union - Gorky Film Studios]

Black Swan, The (1942)

Director: Henry King
Writers: Ben Hecht (screenplay), Seton I. Miller (screenplay and adaptation, as Seton I.Miller) and Rafael Sabatini (novel "The Black Swan")
Cast: Tyrone Power [Jamie Waring], Maureen O'Hara [Lady Margaret Denby], Laird Cregar [Capt. Sir Henry Morgan], Thomas Mitchell [Tom 'Tommie' Blue], George Sanders [Capt. Billy Leech], Anthony Quinn [Wogan - Leech's First Mate], George Zucco [Lord Denby], Edward Ashley [Roger Ingram (uncredited)], Bonnie Bannon [Lady in Waiting in the Courtroom (uncredited)], Fortunio Bonanova [Don Miguel (uncredited)], John Burton [Capt. Blaine (uncredited)], Rita Christiani [Dancer (uncredited)], Helene Costello [Woman (uncredited)], Bryn Davis [Woman (uncredited)], William Edmunds [Town Crier (uncredited)], Charles Francis [Capt. Higgs (uncredited)], Willie Fung [Chinese Cook (uncredited)], Jody Gilbert [Flossy Woman with Tommy (uncredited)], Arthur Gould-Porter [Assemblyman (uncredited)], Keith Hitchcock [Majordomo (uncredited)], Olaf Hytten [Clerk Reading Proclamation (uncredited)], Boyd Irwin [Assemblyman (uncredited)], Charles Irwin [Sea Captain (uncredited)], George Kirby [Assemblyman (uncredited)], Frank Leigh [Sea Captain (uncredited)], Cyril McLaglen [Capt. Jones (uncredited)], Charles McNaughton [Mr. Fenner (uncredited)], Clarence Muse [Margaret's Servant (uncredited)], Stuart Robertson [Capt. Graham (uncredited)], C. Montague Shaw [Assemblyman (uncredited)], Arthur Shields [The Bishop (uncredited)], David Thursby [Sea Captain (uncredited)], Frederick Worlock [Speaker of Assembly (uncredited)]
Storyline: After England and Spain make peace, notorious pirate Henry Morgan (Laird Cregar) decides to reform. As a reward, he is made Governor of Jamaica, with a mandate to rid the Caribbean of his former comrades, by persuasion or force if necessary. He replaces the former governor, Lord Denby (George Zucco), but is not trusted by either the lawful residents or the pirates. Captain Jamie Waring (Tyrone Power) and his lieutenant, Tom Blue (Thomas Mitchell), reluctantly give up their "trade" out of friendship for Morgan, but others of the Pirate Brotherhood, such as Captain Billy Leech (George Sanders) and Wogan (Anthony Quinn), refuse to change. Meanwhile, Waring takes a liking to Denby's daughter, Lady Margaret (Maureen O'Hara), who happens to be inconveniently engaged to an English gentleman, Roger Ingram (Edward Ashley). As it turns out, her fiancé is secretly providing information about ship sailings to the unrepentant pirates. When Morgan is unable to stop the depredations of his old shipmates, he is suspected of still being allied with them. It is up to Waring to set sail to get to the bottom of things (kidnapping Lady Margaret in the process so she won't be able to marry Ingram).
[87 min - Action | Adventure | Drama - English - Color (Technicolor) - 1.37 : 1 - USA - Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation]

Reap the Wild Wind (1942)

Reap the Wild Wind (1942)
Director: Cecil B. DeMille
Writers: Alan Le May (screenplay, as Alan LeMay), Charles Bennett (screenplay), Jesse Lasky Jr. (screenplay), Thelma Strabel (based on a Saturday Evening Post story by), Jeanie Macpherson (contributing writer, uncredited), Theodore St. John (uncredited) and Thelma Strabel (treatment, uncredited)
Cast: Ray Milland [Mr. Stephen 'Steve' Tolliver], John Wayne [Captain Jack Stuart], Paulette Goddard [Loxi Claiborne], Raymond Massey [King Cutler], Robert Preston [Dan Cutler], Lynne Overman [Captain Phillip 'Phil' Philpott], Susan Hayward [Cousin Drusilla Alston], Charles Bickford [Bully Brown, Master of the 'Tyfib'], Walter Hampden [Cmmdre. Devereaux], Louise Beavers [Maum Maria, the Claiborne Maid], Martha O'Driscoll [Ivy Devereaux], Elisabeth Risdon [Mrs. Claiborne], Hedda Hopper [Aunt Henrietta], Victor Kilian [Widgeon], Oscar Polk [Salt Meat], Janet Beecher [Mrs. Mottram], Ben Carter [Chinkapin], William 'Wee Willie' Davis [The Lamb, as William Davis], Lane Chandler [Sam], Davison Clark [Judge Marvin], Louis Merrill [Captain of the 'Pelican', as Lou Merrill], Frank M. Thomas [Dr. Jepson], Keith Richards [Captain Carruthers], Victor Varconi [Lubbock], J. Farrell MacDonald [Port Captain, as J. Farrell Macdonald], Harry Woods [Mace], Raymond Hatton [Master Shipwright], Milburn Stone [Lieutenant Farragut], Dave Wengren ['Claiborne' Lookout], Tony Paton [Cadge], Barbara Britton [Charleston Lady], Julia Faye [Charleston Lady], Ameda Lambert [Charleston Lady], D'Arcy Miller [Charleston Beau], Bruce Warren [Charleston Beau], Eric Alden [Slim (uncredited)], Richard Alexander [Stoker Boss (uncredited)], C.E. Anderson [Juror (uncredited)], George Anderson [Jailer (uncredited)], James Anderson [Callboy in Café (uncredited)], Stanley Andrews [Turnkey (uncredited)], Sam Appel [Juror (uncredited)], Gertrude Astor [Ball Guest (uncredited)], George Barton [Joe (uncredited)], Brooks Benedict [Ball Guest (uncredited)], Colin Blair [Ball Guest (uncredited)], Monte Blue [Officer at Tea (uncredited)], Sven Hugo Borg [Blackie (uncredited)], Ed Brady ['Pelican' Crewman (uncredited)], Al Bridge [Cutler Man in Barrel Room (uncredited)], Ralph Brooks [Ball Guest (uncredited)], George Bruggeman [Gus (uncredited)], Stella Mary Burgess [Ball Guest (uncredited)], William Cabanne [Ball Guest (uncredited)], Wheaton Chambers [Lawyer (uncredited)], Jack Chapin [Clem (uncredited)], Tom Chatterton [Parson (uncredited)], Jack Rube Clifford [Pelican Crewman (uncredited)], David Clyde [Old Director (uncredited)], Tommy Conlon [Ball Guest (uncredited)], Maurice Costello [Ball Guest (uncredited, unconfirmed)], Mary Currier [Waltzing Dowager in Ballroom (uncredited)], Max Davidson [Juror (uncredited)], Richard de Mille [Minor Role (uncredited, unconfirmed)], Jerome de Nuccio [George (uncredited)], Harry Dean [Juror (uncredited)], Cecil B. DeMille [Prologue Speaker (voice, uncredited)], Helen Dickson [Ball Guest (uncredited)], James Dime [Spongeboat Crewman / Trial Spectator (uncredited)], Jack Dixon [Ball Guest (uncredited)], Laurie Douglas [Ball Guest (uncredited)], Jimmie Dundee [Galley Growler (uncredited)], Ralph Dunn ['Jubilee' Lookout (uncredited)], Sarah Edwards [Dowager at Tea (uncredited)], William Elmer [Juror (uncredited)], Richard Elmore ['Claiborne' Cabin Boy (uncredited)], Hassan Ezzat [Cuban on Charleston Packet (uncredited)], William D. Faralla [Cliff (uncredited)], Al Ferguson [Cutler Man in Barrel Room (uncredited)], Frank Ferguson [Snaith (uncredited)], James Flavin [Girl's Father (uncredited)], Sam Flint [Surgeon (uncredited)], Byron Foulger [Bixby (uncredited)], Christian J. Frank [Juror (uncredited)], Jerry Franks Jr. [Pedro (uncredited)], Charles K. French [Ball Guest (uncredited)], Kenneth Gibson [30 Year Old Devereaux Clerk (uncredited)], James Gillette [Ivy's Waltzing Partner (uncredited)], Fred Graham [Jake (uncredited)], Jesse Graves [Mrs. Mottram's Butler (uncredited)], George Guhl [Man on Street (uncredited)], William Haade ['Jubilee' Second Mate (uncredited)], Frank Hagney [Cutler Man in Barrell Room (uncredited)], Chuck Hamilton [Bosco (uncredited)], Mildred Harris [Dancing Lady (uncredited)], Sam Harris [Tea Guest (uncredited)], Oscar 'Dutch' Hendrian [Charleston Packet Second Mate (uncredited)], Robert Homans [Captain in Café (uncredited)], Bob Ireland [Roger (uncredited)], Eugene Jackson [Dr. Jepson's Black Servant (uncredited)], Clarke Jennings [Ed (uncredited)], Carmencita Johnson [Girl with Oilskins (uncredited)], Jack W. Johnston [Devereaux Clerk (uncredited)], Emmett King [Old Gentleman in Ballroom (uncredited)], Stubby Kruger [Pat (uncredited)], Louise La Planche [Ball Guest (uncredited)], Frank Lackteen [Cutler Man in Barrel Room (uncredited)], Ethan Laidlaw [Tony (uncredited)], Hope Landin [Ball Guest (uncredited)], Larry Lawson [Frank (uncredited)], Laura Lee [Southern Belle (uncredited)], Lora Lee [Southern Belle (uncredited)], Carl M. Leviness [Ball Guest (uncredited)], Elmo Lincoln [Minor Role (uncredited)], Leota Lorraine [Ball Guest (uncredited)], Jack Luden [Southern Gentleman at Tea (uncredited)], George Magrill [Mike (uncredited)], Tony Martelli [Guest at Inn (uncredited)], Jim Mason ['Pelican' Crewman (uncredited)], Carl Mathews [Stevedore (uncredited)], Claire McDowell [Ettie (uncredited)], Cyril McLaglen [Stevedore (uncredited)], George Melford [Devereaux Banker (uncredited)], John Merkyl [Southern Gentleman (uncredited)], John Merton ['Pelican' Crewman (uncredited)], Robert Milasch [Juror (uncredited)], King Mojave [Art (uncredited)], Richard Neill [Old Gentleman at Tea (uncredited)], Ottola Nesmith [Dowager at Tea (uncredited)], John Northpole [Trial Spectator (uncredited)], Wally O'Connor [Hugh (uncredited)], Tom O'Grady [Inn Bartender (uncredited)], Nestor Paiva [Man with Suspenders (uncredited)], Emory Parnell [Jailer (uncredited)], Edward Peil Sr. [Bailiff (uncredited)], Buddy Pepper [Café Callboy (uncredited)], Gil Perkins [Southern Cross Leadsman (uncredited)], Albert Petit [Ball Guest (uncredited)], John Power [Juror (uncredited)], Lee Prather [Court Clerk (uncredited)], Houghton Ralph [Buck (uncredited)], George Reed [Black Servant at Tea (uncredited)], Frank Richards [Cutler Man in Barrel Room (uncredited)], Constantine Romanoff [Widgeon's Tall Bald Thug (uncredited)], Mel Ruick [Ball Guest (uncredited)], Ynez Seabury [Ball Guest (uncredited)], Dorothy Sebastian [Ball Guest (uncredited)], Allen D. Sewall [Juror (uncredited)], Frank Shannon [Captain in Café (uncredited)], Mildred Shay [Girl in Match Sequence (uncredited)], Ray Spiker [Stan (uncredited)], John St. Polis [Devereaux Foreign Agent (uncredited)], Will Stanton [Rat-Faced Man (uncredited)], Jack Sterling [Lars (uncredited)], Hayden Stevenson [Lawyer (uncredited)], Jack Stoney [Widgeon Henchman (uncredited)], Leo Sulky [Juror (uncredited)], Akim Tamiroff [The Lamb (voice, uncredited)], Forrest Taylor [Devereaux Treasurer (uncredited)], Mary Thomas [Ball Guest (uncredited)], Guy Usher [Jailer (uncredited)], Dale Van Sickel [Roy (uncredited)], Gohr Van Vleck [First Mate of Charleston Packet (uncredited)], Catherine Wallace [Ball Guest (uncredited)], Joyce Walsh [Ball Guest (uncredited)], Harry Warren [Boston (uncredited)], Stanhope Wheatcroft [Devereaux Secretary (uncredited)], Blackie Whiteford [Inn Guest / Fisherman / Trial Spectator (uncredited)], Lloyd Whitlock [Southern Gentleman (uncredited)], Florence Wix [Ball Guest (uncredited)], Don Zelaya [Café Bartender (uncredited)], Fred Zendar [Spike (uncredited)], Carl Zwolsman [Nate (uncredited)]
Storyline: While he based his film on Strabel's story, DeMille took liberties with details such as sibling relationships and sub-plots, while staying true to the spirit of the story, which centers on a headstrong, independent woman portrayed by Paulette Goddard. As the film opens, Loxi Claiborne (Paulette Goddard) is running a marine salvage business started by her deceased father. A hurricane is passing through the Key West area, leaving behind at least one wreck on the nearby shoals. The Jubilee founders, and Loxi and other salvagers race to claim the cargo. Not arriving first, Loxi and her crew rescue the captain, Jack Stuart (John Wayne), but do not share in the salvage rights. It appears that the first salvor on the scene, King Cutler (Raymond Massey), may have actually planned the wreck. Nursing Jack back to health, Loxi falls in love with him. When she visits Charleston with her cousin Drusilla (Susan Hayward), Loxi schemes to win a plum Captain's position for Jack by seducing Steve Tolliver (Ray Milland), who is running the sailing ship line Jack works for. Steve falls for Loxi and returns with her to Key West to investigate the truth about Jack's shipwreck. Drusilla goes home to Havana when Loxi and Steve return to Key West. Steve has come to rid the Keys of pirates like Cutler (and to be near Loxi). Cutler, in turn, arranges to have Steve shanghaied by the crew of a whaler. Loxi hears of the plot and gets Jack to help her save Steve. Later, they discover that Steve has concealed Jack's appointment to the steamship Southern Cross on orders from his superior. Angry over a seemingly underhanded act, Jack meets with Cutler. He learns that Steve's boss has just died and that Steve will be taking over the shipping line. Jack realizes that he is unlikely to keep his command with Steve in charge and agrees to work with Cutler to sabotage his new ship; he sails to Havana to take command. Rumors circulate and prices of the cargo of the Southern Cross fluctuate wildly, leaving Steve to suspect a wreck is planned. He commandeers the Claiborne with Loxi on board and heads to Havana to stop Jack. Loxi, believing Jack is innocent, disables her ship; and they sit becalmed in a fog bank as the Southern Cross piles into a reef and sinks. Unknown to Jack, Drusilla had stowed away to be with her lover, King Cutler's brother Dan (Robert Preston), and she is drowned. Jack is put on trial for wrecking his ship. The testimony reveals a woman may have been on board, though none was rescued. To determine if a woman is in the wreck, Steve agrees to dive to the wreck with Jack. While down in the wreck, Jack and Steve discover proof that Drusilla was on board and has been drowned. They are attacked by a giant squid. Jack saves Steve's life but is lost when the Southern Cross slips off the continental shelf into deep water. Dan Cutler accuses his brother of murder and is shot dead by him, whereupon, Steve shoots King Cutler, killing him. Loxi and Steve return to Charleston, together. 
[123 min - Action | Adventure - English - Color (Technicolor) - 1.37 : 1 - USA - Paramount Pictures]

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